Tuesday, April 14, 2009

lawak...(laki2 sahaja)

A man was walking along a California beach and stumbled across an old lamp. He picked it up and rubbed it and out popped a genie.

The genie said "OK, OK. You released me from the lamp, blah blah blah. This is the fourth time this month and I'm getting a little sick of these wishes so you can forget about three. You only get one wish!"

The man sat and thought about it for a while and said, "I've always wanted to go to Hawaii but I'm scared to fly and I get very seasick. Could you build me a bridge to Hawaii so I can drive over there to visit?"

The genie laughed and said, "That's impossible. Think of the logistics of that! How would the supports ever reach the bottom of the Pacific? Think of how much concrete...how much steel!! No-think of another wish."

The man said OK and tried to think of a really good wish. Finally,he said, "I've been married and divorced four times. My wives always said that I don't care and that I'm insensitive. So, I wish that I could understand women.... know how they feel inside and what they're thinking when they give me the silent treatment.... know why they're crying, know what they really want when they say 'nothing'.... know how to make them truly happy...."

The genie said, "You want that bridge two lanes or four?"

hahahahahaha..xleh blah...

cerita tauladan utk kouhai2 ku..hahahaha


da lame x online ....sbb agak busy blk ke mesia..setelkan bende sblom blk mesia...patuh da blk mesia..tenet lak xde...so skang br lepas amik barang kat port...da lega skett..cume tinggal kete lak nak kene setel....

aku sajek jek nak menulis bende nih kat blog aku..wat panduan utk junior2 yg nak blk...sbb aku sdr lepas blk br tauh bende nih..wat aku pening kepala...sampai nak pecah pikir...hahahahaha....masalah nye satu jek...duet...hahahaha

sblom blk dlu..aku ingat bende nih simple jek....jus buat ap..buat custom clearance..patuh rayuan cukai..bayar...setel leh bawak blk kete....da sampai sini..byk gile lari bujet...

meh pakcik cite citer yg sebenonye....hahahaha

proses bermule lepas ko blk ke tanah air...

1. setelkan document2 penting utk urusan AP and customs...(Better wat kat jepon sebelom blk..coz kadang2 bile blk mesia..scanner xde..photostat leceh..pc yg xde bahase jepon nak edit2..so buat siap2 seblom blk is better and nnt akan tinggal copy passport jek utk tunjukkan cop visa ko da tamat n tinggalkan jepon)....

2. permohonan AP (amik mase 7 ari bekerja). time nih mmg kene cek betol2 ko nye borang da isi betol or tak..sbb aku nye AP sdr pon lambat sbb salah isi borg..kat no IC..ko paham2 jek aa mesia...da ari nak patut siap proses..bile dtg nak amik..br ckp xleh proses sbb salah no IC..terpakse tunggu seminggu lg..mmg cm haram..bukan nak panggil awal2..hahaha..so bek cek betol2...

3. custom clearance,,,nih amik mase 2 minggu waktu bekerja...(time nih akan dapat tauh duet cukai selepas kete di cek...but sambil tunggu custom clearance nih kene wat insurans kete..kat sini yg buat aku betol2 lari bajet...insurans kete perlu dibayar ikut bape kite letak harga kete kite..xde kaitan ngan harga kite beli or harga kite gtau kat kontenna nye org..nih bebas nak letak harga..tp makin tinggi letak harga..makin tinggi aa insurans ko kene bayar...sng citer..rate die lebey kurg cmnih kalo harga kete 100k =insurans 4k ..harga kete 80k =insurans 3k ...harga kete 60k= insurans 2k....nih lebey kurang aa...n dlm mase nih gak..once da tauh harga cukai.kene wat bank draft..sambil tunggu hari rayuan....

4. rayuan dan bayaran cukai...nih cm bese aa...akan ditetapkan ari utk berjumpe pegawai kastam..dan leh merayu time tuh..slalu plg byk pon die akan bg 40% diskaun jek dr harga full cukai korg...n then bayar cukai...bawak kete kuar....

5. lepas da bawak kuar..selalunye the next day br bawak ke puspakom n JPJ...time nih aa poket ko di uji lg ...1st of all..kalo nak sewa cermin da kene rm 400..kalo cm aku..kete x byk kat mesia..da kene beli cermin...leceh jugak aa...harga lebey kurang rm1500 utk cermin x ori/made in china...and rm 3000 utk cermin ori...patuh bile bawak ke puspakom..die akan kenekan bayaran rm30 gurai..utk cek...n then kat JPJ perlu bayar rm 300 utk registration and another rm380 utk cukai jalan kete 2.0...hahahaha..

mauh x kene ade rm5k or rm6k utk procedure sahaja..x termasuk cukai n upah agent...???...so nasihat aku..bawak aa duet gak kalo nak balik...bajet kete bajet aa jugak utk proses bawak blk kete n cukai kete..hahahaha.....

lupe lak nak cakap..brg yg dihantar bersama kete dlm kontenna akan dikuarkan dahulu..so selalunye kite akan amik barang dahulu..dan ini gak makan duet..sbb kat mesia pon ade kene bayar utk kontenna rm500~ rm 1+++...ikut kontenna..and then kene bayar upah tarik kontenna bernilai rm450..hahaha....kire bai kire....byk nak pakai duet...so kire dan berbajet aa anda seblom pulang....hahahahaha
